Via vriendin Marloes kreeg ik onderstaande tekst – en zij had hem weer via Eve Ensler op TED. Het is een powertekst voor alle meisjes – en vrouwen die vergeten zijn dat ze meisjes zijn. Enjoy!
/Emotional creature/
I love being a girl
I can feel what you’re feeling
As you’re feeling in the feeling before
I am an emotional creature
Things do not come to me as intellectual theories
Or hard-pressed ideas
They pulse through my organs and legs and burn up my ears
Oh, I know when your girlfriend is really pissed off
Even though she appears to give you what you want
I know when a storm is coming
I can feel the invisible stirrings in the air
I can tell you he won’t call back. It’s a vibe I share
I am an emotional creature
I love that I do not take things lightly
Everything is intense to me
The way I walk in the street, the way my momma wakes me up
The way it’s unbearable when I lose, the way I hear bad news
I am an emotional creature
I am connected to everything and everyone. I was born like that
Don’t you say all negative
That it’s a teenage thing
Or it’s only because I’m a girl
These feelings make me better
They make me present, they make me ready, they make me strong
I am an emotional creature
There’s a particular way of knowing
It’s like the older women somehow forgot
I rejoice it’s still in my body
Oh, I know when the coconut is about to fall
I know we have pushed the Earth too far
I know my father isn’t coming back
And that no one is prepared for the fire
I know that lipstick means more than show
And that boys are super insecure
And so-called terrorists are made, not born
I know that one kiss
Could take away all my decision making abilities
And you know what? Sometimes it should
This is not extreme, it’s a girl thing
What we would all be if the big door inside us flew open
Don’t tell me not to cry, to calm it down
Not to be so extreme, to be reasonable
I am an emotional creature
It’s how the earth got made, how the wind continues to pollinate
You don’t tell the Atlantic Ocean to behave
I am an emotional creature
Why would you want to shut me down or turn me off?
I am your remaining memory
I can take you back
Nothing has been diluted
Nothing’s leaked out
I love, hear me, I love
That I can feel the feelings inside you
Even if they stop my life,
Even if they break my heart
Even if they take me off track
They make me responsible
I am an emotional, I am an emotional,
Unconditional, devotional creature
And I love, hear me
I love love love being a girl!
– Eve Ensler
For me, this has nothing to do with being a girl…. to me, it sounds more like a drag queen’s mantra who wants to convince the world (and herself) that she is ALL WOMAN!! (and an emotional creature)